Friday, September 21, 2012

Blood Elf Lookout

I've updated my WoW Model Viewer since the patch, but it's got this shoulder bug thing that a lot of people are having trouble with. So, I've just been skimming through other cloth pieces, not quite imagining new outfits, but more like getting a feel for what's available.

Several times in the past, while going through the cloth feet, I've come upon these boots that look like cowboy boots. But every time I've searched for them, I was only able to find the leather version off the vendors in the Blood Elf starter zone.

Cowboy Boots

Finally though, last night, I discovered a comment about them actually being part of the Blood Elf Rogue starter set. What? Cloth? Needless to say, I immediately logged in and snagged Anou a pair, along with the rest of the set (all cloth). It isn't soulbound, why shouldn't I save the whole set?

First of all, I will be trying to design a "Daisy Duke outfit" around these boots. Come on, they scream Daisy Duke!

However, consider how cute Anou looks in her roguish counterpart's clothing, whilst admiring The Great Sea and the majestic city perched high above it.

These screenshots were taken within the Sunwell Plateau instance. Pally showed me the most beautiful spot! He really has an eye for locations! Thanks Pally!

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